There are many ways that you can support your child to communicate. Here are some tips!

1. Wait, listen and look at what your child is interested in.

Take your time to look and listen at what your child is directing you towards to engage in play. When you engage in something that they’re interested in, it is likely that they’ll be much more engaged with you!

2. Repeat, repeat, repeat. 

It takes time for children to learn language. A key to helping them do this is by repeating the same words, phrases and sentences. 

3. Slow down

Slow down the pace in which you’re talking or showing them something. 

4. Stress

Stress key words. E.g. I have a BALL. It’s a blue BALL. 

5. Get on your child’s eye-level

Get down on the floor (or wherever your child is playing) and play at eye-level to them. This helps maintain their attention and engagement. 

6. Model correct grammar

Use complete and correct grammatical sentences when communicating to your child. 

7. Read books!

Books are a great way of engaging your child in a language rich environment. You can ask wh- questions (e.g. who, where, what), name and label objects, identify letters and so much more!

8. Use songs

Kids LOVE songs! Using songs can help build your child’s vocabulary and understanding. Good songs I’d recommend include Old McDonald and The wheels on the bus. 

9. Talk through what you are doing. 

This will provide your child a good model of language throughout the day while doing your daily routines. 

10. Engage in pretend play

Pretend play is not only fun, but also super beneficial in building your child’s vocabulary! Pretend play includes things such as playing house, kitchen play, shopping and more. 

If you have any concerns about your child’s communication skills, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Hanrahan Health via our website, via phone (02) 4862 5063 or via email at