When selecting suitable augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) options for our clients, there are both high tech and low-tech options. Low tech AAC options are not electronic devices and utilise books, gestures, and boards. High tech AAC devices are electronic and can range from apps downloaded to iPads or specialised devices that are designed to be used specifically as a communication device. 

In Australia there are different providers of different types of AAC devices. Each device has differing features and compatible software. Each AAC user may find a specific device more suitable than another due to the available software, the features of the device and their own access method for the device (e.g. touch, eye gaze, switch). In this blog we are going to explore some common high tech AAC devices.

One common high tech AAC device is an iPad. iPads use the touch method of access, have many compatible software (such as Proloquo2go and LAMP word for life) and can be used for other purposes too.

Starting Out with Proloquo2Go – AAC Community

Liberator are an Australian AAC device provider whose devices have software based on Minspeak (a US communication software). Some compatible software include LAMP Words for Life and Unity. Below is the Liberator Rugged 7 and the Liberator Accent 1400. These devices can be used with direct touch, eye gaze and switch access. They are usually recommended to be dedicated AAC devices however other software such as literacy learning software is available for these devices too.

Liberator Rugged 8 | Liberator Pty Ltd

Accent 1400 (14) | Liberator Pty Ltd

Control Bionics have devises which are compatible with neuronode software, which is a relatively new access method for AAC users that utilises muscle twitch for switch control. Control bionics devices also combine the neuronode access with both eye gaze and touch. These devices are compatible with a number of software including Grid 3 which is a highly customisable AAC software.

Products » Control Bionics

Another AAC provider in Australia is Link Assistive who provide Tobii Dynavox. Tobii Dynavox devices incorporate both touch and eye gaze and have both speaker and listener bars to increase efficiency of the device in conversation. Tobii Dynavox devices are compatible with a range of software but are most compatible with Tobii Dynavox communication apps such as TD Snap Core First.

Tobii Dynavox I-Series

There are a broad range of high tech AAC devices all with differing features and compatible software. If you would like to explore these AAC devices as a communication option for you or your child, please contact Hanrahan Health and we can assess and explore the most suitable option!