We are often asked about whether to do individual or group therapy. Many speech pathology clinics offer both group therapy and individual therapy sessions. So, which one is more suitable for your child?

In most cases, your Speech Pathologist will recommend individual therapy as a starting point. This allows your child the chance to learn new skills, practise these with consistent feedback and allows time for you to ask questions and learn how to do the home activities in more detail. A child would benefit from individual therapy if:

  • They are in the initial stages of learning, where lots of repetition is needed.
  • They have difficulties learning or practicing if there are any distractions or other people.

Once the early skills are obtained, and your child has settled in to therapy, Group therapy is a functional way to assist them to learn things in a more realistic setting.  Group therapy may be suitable for a child when a child has developed the skills and would like to master and transfer the skills into the real world.  Groups provide an excellent chance to practise new skills with other children and adults to help with generalising to other settings.

Research has found that group therapy has many benefits. These benefits include:

  • Allowing more opportunities for social interaction
  • Improving peer support which links to improved self-esteem
  • Providing opportunities for the child to learn from other children (not just adults) and the opportunity to teach another child
  • Reduced dependence on adults

Groups offered at SHSP include:

  1. Adult communication group – for adults with Aphasia
  2. Young Adult communication group – for adult clients with mild intellectual disability and social communication goals
  3. School Aged Social Skills group – for children aged 8-12 years with social communication goals
  4. School Starters Group – for children starting school

And more…

We aim to cater to the needs of our clients – so if there is a group you would like us to start – please contact us and we will make it happen!

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us by phone on (02) 4862 5063, or email on admin@shsp.com.au.